What’s in the latest COVID-19 relief bill (and how it will help the entertainment industry)

 With disproportionate numbers of the entertainment workforce operating as freelance entities or contractors, there’s little surprise that it has been desperately hard-hit by COVID-19 related constrictions in our ability to work. With a new relief bill that finally caters to the needs of the entertainment industry on the table and heading to the senate, BLAKE & WANG P.A one of the best entertainment law firms Los Angeles takes a closer look at what is covered.

First of all, we’d be remiss to not mention that a great proportion of the bill focuses on vaccine distribution and testing, which is sensible. However, there’s plenty for the hard-hit industry to enjoy too. Namely:

  • Extended benefits: The weekly benefit increases by $100, and will be extended to end-August 2020. Gig workers, contractors, and freelancers will be eligible

  • Housing assistance: $30 billion for rental assistance and $10 billion for mortgage relief are earmarked

  • ‘Leave’ and retention: Tax credits for employee leave have been offered, and an ‘employee retention’ tax credit is also on the table.

  • Relief: A direct $1,400 stimulus package, additional to the earlier $600

  • Governmental: $350 billion of the bill is earmarked to help make upstate governmental shortfalls. While this isn’t directly relevant to the movie industry, there has been concern that lawmakers trying to tighten their belts would cut movie/TV incentives, so this will have positive knock-on effects

  • Wages: It’s also proposed that minimum wage be raised to $15 per hour, the first time this aspect has been touched since 2009. This, sadly, is expected to not pass the Senate.

  • The Arts: $135 million each is earmarked for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for Humanities.

  • Business: In December we say $15 billion relief pledged to live venues and theaters. Now we see $25 billion passed for restaurants and bars. There’s also increased Paycheck Protection Program provisions for digital media companies. 

All in all, while the state of some arms of the entertainment industry may be perilous, the proposed provisions of the relief plan could have a huge knock-on impact on the industry and save many jobs. BLAKE & WANG P.A will keep you updated as it develops.


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