No Zoom for the Oscars?

 It’s been a bad week for the Oscars, even though the ceremony itself is still a month away. Rumors and confusion seem to be plaguing this cornerstone of the events season, despite the organizers’ best attempts to keep a lid on the matter. BLAKE & WANG P.A. entertainment lawyer Los Angeles investigate further.

                                            Brandon Blake- Entertainment Lawyer

This year, we see several circumstances we’ve never seen before. Of course, the global health crisis continues to have people worried, especially with possible ‘fourth wave’ outbreaks rearing their heads. While the original decision to postpone the ceremony was doubtless hoping for calmer waters, it seems this may backfire in the end. We also see considerably more attendees outside the U.S, many of who are being confused by a lack of clear direction on ceremony matters and need to urgently make travel plans- including allowing time for applicable quarantines.

Now, apparently, there will be no Zoom option for the awards at all. This is most surprising, given that Zoom has been the cornerstone of other awards this season. Instead, it’s implied- but not yet confirmed- that nominees have to appear in person at the new Oscar venue, Union Station. Union Station was acquired by AMPAS in order to ensure social distancing and other measures, similar to those now standard on sets, can be used. 

All the same, it seems an odd snub to ignore such an obvious and well-used tool that has offered stress-free options throughout the rest of the awards season. With nominees and attendees already feeling aggrieved by the perceived lack of communication about the ceremony, it’s not entirely clear why AMPAS has opted to take this route. 

Will feelings be soothed as we get closer to the ceremony? With so many first-time nominees on the cards, we hope the joy of the nomination experience will not be tarnished despite the hiccoughs of trying to coordinate this major event during the strangest year in the ceremony’s history. 


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