Cinemark secures Netflix deal

 In addition to the news that Cinemark has reached a deal with 5 U.S studios to ensure a healthy supply of theatrical releases, we’ve also seen them reach a once-off deal with Netflix that could prove an industry-changer. BLAKE & WANG P.A one of the top entertainment law firms Los Angeles has the details you need about this new theatrical innovation.

We know that Cinemark has acquired a one-week exclusive showing for Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead before Netflix releases it to their streaming service, a theatrical first. While we’ve seen several studios offer side-by-side streaming and exhibition release in the tentative months after the industry reopened, this will be the first time Netflix, which has become synonymous with streaming, will send one of its titles to the silver screen.

It’s not expected to be the last, however. Cinemark CEO Mark Zoradi has described a ‘very strong relationship with Netflix on (Cinemark’s) film team up through the executive ranks.’ He also speaks of Netflix filmmakers and talent who desire theatrical exposure, which is definitely a factor that could result in some interesting pressure on the streamer down the line.

It seems as though Cinemark is open to short windows- like the 1-week window for Army of the Dead- as well as longer runs that more closely emulate their previously standard runs. It’s also clear they’re hoping to entice other streamers to release content for theatrical consumption.

In a world where streaming has become the go-to vehicle for release, it’s an interesting attempt to claw back theatrical appeal for content creators. Given that we’ve seen a huge corporate restructuring from several key players to cater to streaming formats first, it could also prove an enticing deal for the exhibition industry to regain lost ground. BLAKE & WANG P.A Entertainment Attorney will be keeping an eagle eye on further developments as they unfold.

Brandon Blake- Blake & Wang P.A.


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