Will Avatar 2 Sink Titanic? The Race Closes In

 It would be a fun and rather ironic twist of fate to see James Cameron knock his own film down a rung (or two) in the list of Top 5 highest grossing pictures of all time. As Avatar: The Way of Water continues to rack up the numbers at the global box office, coming close to challenging Titanic,  it could be reality, too! Entertainment attorney Brandon Blake, with Blake & Wang P.A, crunches the numbers. 

Brandon Blake

Crossing $2B

As of last Wednesday, Avatar: The Way of Water  had comfortably surpassed $2B, for a $2,054B total that saw it unseat Avengers: Infinity War and take the bottom rung in the Top 5 list. Bear in mind this is the Top 5 highest-grossing movies ever, an impressive feat indeed.

As of Sunday’s Box Office, it looks increasingly likely that it will also push the next contender (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) off the list, too. With that feat under its belt, James Cameron will have been responsible for three of the top four highest-grossing titles released globally. 

Titanic Under Threat

Should it make that benchmark, there’s really very little to stop it toppling Titanic- it’s only about $135M and change away from doing so. However, there’s one snag- Titanic is itself receiving a global re-release for Valentine’s Day from Paramount, which will boost its own takings, probably significantly. So we could see a very interesting little race ensue to see who comes out tops. 

For now, Avatar: The Way of Water retains the title of fourth-highest grossing release of all time at the international Box Office, too, at $1.451B in takings, with China, France, Germany, Korea, and the UK as its top 5 international markets.  

Either way the dice land, it looks like James Cameron will claim another slice of the Top 5 pie free and clear.


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